Category: Uncategorized
5 Dog Accounts you MUST Follow On Instagram If You Love Dachshunds
1. Henry and Kiki – @henryloveskiki This adorable dachshund couple will make your heart melt with their love story: When Henry was still a puppy and not feeling happy at home, his human, Jen, decided to adopt another doxie to keep him company. She heard about a puppy that was rescued from a hoarder and…
Is Ok Not To Be A Super Human
We grow up thinking that we have to be the very best we can be. That we must want to have it all. We need to be a successful person, goal oriented. Healthy, the looking good kind of healthy. Strong. Well read and traveled. Talented. Good spirited. Fun to be around. Positive. An amazing person…
To believe
Do you believe in things that you don’t see? Most people do. Some believe in god(s), others in spirits or karma. Some people believe in science. These are all things that need faith to believe. It’s impossible to believe in Jesus in you don’t have faith. Also in science, you need to have faith in…
For the people
The people who lived in a country are there by birth or by immigration. The first one people can’t pick or choose, but the later one most of the people can choose. Sometimes though, it might not be a free choice or a choice that the people would do voluntarily. For example, if a person…
Is The Grass Really Always Greener On The Other Side?
How many times have you caught yourself scrolling down your feed either on Instagram or Facebook and end up comparing your life to other people’s? Sometimes on a day that all you could do was eat right and finish the night with no dirty dishes left to be washed, you find out that your third…
Random thoughts
Sometimes in the still of the night is when my mind comes alive the most. Is like the stars in the sky become ideas in my head. Since I was a little kid it has been like this. I used to have fights with my parents while trying to explain that I was studying for…
I love books. The browsing and buying, the cover art and having a library of my own. That being said; I’m a slow reader. This means I have at least two dozen books that are waiting to be read in my bookshelf. And that’s not so good. Books in general have been in the verge…
Being innocent is a virtue, but all of us are guilty of something. Religious people could trace this back to the original sin, but in my opinion being innocent is much more practical. For example, innocence is not something that is either on or off – there are different shades of grey. If you are…
Sports, what is it for?
It is very simple to try and act smart by saying “Sports is for idiots!”. I mean sure, the sport itself may be easy to understand and not have complicated rules on surface, but there are other things to consider. Things like what does a sport bring to the city, to the country and how…
Identidad, exclusión y racismo: Reflexiones teóricas y sobre México a summary and reflexions about Olivia Gall´s article
Original article in Spanish at: 1. THE PARADOXES OF EQUALITY We start from the point that, we humans are all equal and have our value to society. But not all of us are fully aware of this fact and practice racism or racial discrimination. We speak of equality paradoxes by the fact that when…