Category: Uncategorized
For the year 2019
The year has changed and people all over the globe are trying to make a change for the better this year. Many things happened during 2019, that were bad and I for one am very happy to get rid of the ended year. I didn\’t do enough for my fellow man/woman, nor for the animals…
What would you do if you would win in the lottery?
“If I would win a million dollars..” is something many people have asked each other to play a game of “what if…” fulfilling dreams or making things right with debtors. The question of what would you do with a lot of money is pleasant, as there are no wrong answers and the question completely skips…
I’m guessing we have all seen products labeled “For men” and “For women”, but what does that really mean? Is it that, if a woman uses “For men” product, she would get hideous hives and be sent to the ER? Maybe if a man would use a product labeled “For women”, he would be smelling…
Paying for news?
There has been a lot of talk about the dying of paper press in the past few years. And many papers have seen their ultimate demise after the internet has brought the news for free and in non-physical form to the consumers. New York Times, on the other hand, has received a lot of digital…
Our desire, our demise: is hell the other people?
In conversations with various friends and family members nowadays, one theme that usually sticks out is how people feel imperfect. How the smallest things (in my humble opinion) prevent them from living life the easiest way, how such tiny things can cripple them from the things they truly desire achieving and yet choose not to…
Things to buy from eBay
I have been purchasing items from eBay, and the sorts, for a few years now. With variety of success, but if you consider how much you are paying with a free shipping, it’s not that bad. For example a back scratcher costs about a euro (or less) and it is a very nice help for…
Is adult life where dreams go to die?
I always joke that my phone and my iPad must be psychic and are listening to my thoughts lately, because, without looking or clicking for certain things, some ads still seem to popup and make an appearance on my social media feeds. As this year I turn forty, I have been thinking and rethinking a lot…
The sheep
I have always tried to find alternative sources of information to get to the “real news”, the “real information”. The start for my behaviour was somewhere so far that I can’t remember, but it has lead me to a state where I see people reading CNN, YLE (Finland) and the likes to be a bit…
Many people have the opportunity to do almost anything they want, but the amount of choices available make the process more difficult. For example, the pressure to choose right is (as it’s been told in the media) going to reflect automatically to your future in a way that, if you choose wrong, the person is…
Losing the weight
Losing weight is one of the most common New Year\’s resolution. Everyone knows how the gyms and aerobic classes fill up in the first few weeks of the new year, but everyone also knows how the attendance rating drops, as the first motivation drops. I would assume that this is the time where gyms make…