Category: Fiction
Lux Sanctuarium (BRA)
LUX SANCTUARIUM Stella e seu marido Ben moravam em uma comunidade meio hippie num futuro não muito distante de agora. Nessa comunidade, eles viviam com uma líder espiritual, Lux, que comandava a vida deles com seus ensinamentos em cultos diários e uma alimentação balanceada, com chás e suplementos naturais apenas. Todos viviam felizes e saudáveis,…
Lux Sanctuarium
Stella and her husband Ben lived in a hippie-like community in a not-so-distant future. In this community, they lived with a spiritual leader, Lux, who guided their lives through her teachings in daily worship services and a balanced diet, containing only natural teas and supplements. Everyone lived happily and healthily, until Stella fell ill, vomiting…
Based on true events and found footage from victims’ phones and cameras abandoned at the crime location on Monday, October 7th. Names are fictional in order to preserve the victims’ identities and their families. Intro Everything started as a funny joke between a couple of old friends and a few new ones. The…