That time of the year again

As the end of 2018 is approaching, the temperature is getting colder and the nights longer. The one thing that remains from one year to another is the people\’s need to buy things. I don’t want to write about the consumer’s side of the issue, as we all know that many people go crazy when Christmas things hit the shops. Which, by the way, this year was so early that the stores still had Halloween decorations on the shelves.

What I would like to write about is the quality of the stuff that is sold over Christmas season. Not too many generations ago people would make toys for each other. Then the items were bought from the market. Now there’s the whole internet full of “free deliveries” and “cheap bargains” – but for what? For plastic toys that will last a season less than half a year? The consumption has taken the, already high, Christmas purchases to another level.

The need to show the care for another person by actions and deeds has been changed almost completely to items. To purchases given instead of actually being there. I just watched a program about parents who didn’t have time for their children. The parents bought them a huge load of plastic toys. And everyone was feeling bad: the parents felt bad that they still didn’t have time for their children and that work was taking too much time in their lives. And at the same time the children felt bad, because the parents were over stressed and didn’t play with them anymore.

Now, I do understand giving material things to compensate being there physically, it isn’t a new thing by any means. BUT, this is now becoming the norm. Don’t know what to get for you brother? Easy, just send an electronic gift card and a text message saying “Happy Holidays!” Or, don’t know what you little kid wants the most as a Christmas gift? Easy, just go through her/his wishlist on Amazon!

The time we spent on something is now much more valuable than the things that we can buy from the stores.


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