In the future we will see things that we can’t even imagine. That is if you look at inventions and engineering in a long enough scope. Sure, everyone could have good guesses/estimates/predictions on what will happen for example, tomorrow, but you would have to be psychic or a genius to know what will happen in 2200. Do we have flying cars or a cure for common cold? No, but we do have broadband internet and electric cars. For this article I have complied my three predictions on the next 10 years, 100 years and 1000 years from this day.
First, the 10 year prediction:
There will be war in the cyberspace. I know there is a war going already, but it will become more obvious and more dangerous. The war could be called something like eWar or Internet Battle, but as more and more people put their information online and use online medias as their sole and primary source of information, there will be more and more advances in “conquering” the platforms, user databases, websites, etc. The biggest thing ordinary people will see about the war is that common uses will be having more security software attached to them – for example, creating a website could need a valid ID.
Then the 100 year prediction:
The food shortage will be the biggest challenge for humans. The population growth will surpass the raw materials and food that Earth is capable of producing. This mean that, the insects will be a real choice of protein in our diets as will be the GMO foods. Vegetarianism will help, as growing vegetables, fruits, etc. is better for the environment than meat production, but it won’t be enough to help with the lack of food. The average consumer will see this as a rapid rise in food prices, but also some kind of controls in what kind of foods are available. Also, the local food production will see a spike.
Lastly, the 1000 year prediction:
World War Three has made parts of the world inhabitable. A thousand years is such a long period that I have no doubt that there will be one or two big wars, where two or three superpowers will shoot missiles, lasers, rockets, etc. so much that the country or even a whole continent will be toxic for decades. In the bright side, I think there will also be a connection to another planet(s). Most likely Mars. Going to Mars will be a huge advance for us a civilisation but as with many things, it will first touch only the rich and powerful.
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