Many people have the opportunity to do almost anything they want, but the amount of choices available make the process more difficult. For example, the pressure to choose right is (as it’s been told in the media) going to reflect automatically to your future in a way that, if you choose wrong, the person is automatically destined to work in a low level job, with low level education and life quality. But is this really so?
What about the people who had to make a choice from bad to worse options, as there was no good options available, like the poor people in India? People obviously try their best, but the options seem all the same and there is no way out. For example, if you are poor and bump your leg so that the leg needs treatment, will you go to a hospital and lose the day’s wage or go to work and don’t seek proper immediate treatment for the leg?
This situation, of course, applies to everyone, but, once again, the wealthy can and always will get it easier. This is because their life won’t be affected by their choice as much as poor or uneducated person will. A rich, or well connected person, can merely choose to do something else as damage control in order to cover the losses from a bad decision.
Then, there are people with high intelligence and people who happen to be in the right place at the right time. For example, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, they both had good products, good business instincts, etc. They didn’t base their success on having the money from their parents. People like Paris Hilton and the like, have all the money they will ever need, but they don’t seem to do much else than spend it, and yet, they drive supercars, live in mansions and party in the VIP clubs.
The opportunities and the choices many teens face are also fuzzied by the misinformation and the ideal that, if you go to this certain school, you will automatically be a success – which in some cases could be true, but in my opinion most of times isn’t. I would agree that, if you go to Yale or Harvard, you will have better chances of succeeding in life, than a person who goes to night school in Phoenix University. This is true not only for the knowledge the person acquires, but also for the recognition he/she gets from his/hers peers, the public in general and more importantly, the work recruiters.
I have always thought that simple life is not only easier, but is also more fulfilling. If your choices are one, two or three and the big goal of your life is not to die in a civil war, your priorities are quite easy to define. BUT, if you have access to all the schools in the United States and you have only seen war in video games, you HAVE TO find meaning to your life from within – and this is the key of this article: what you do, defines you. The choices are the path, but whether you lose or win in life, the choices will show what kind of person YOU are – the choices are the actions and the result is the life you get to live.
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