Finding people to talk to

I didn’t know that finding people to talk to, as an adult, is this difficult. By talking I mean not “Hello, how are you?” to your neighbor nor everyday chit chat with your work colleague. What I mean is like a book club, but more in depth. It seems that there are hundreds or maybe thousands of book clubs all over the internet and locally too, but there are much less philosophical or “club” based organizations or similar, that people could join to exchange ideas and talk about life in a more broad sense.

With the Covid-19 still keeping many people home, there is a bigger demand for remote gatherings – that I like. But most of them seem to very much based on one issue (like sport or another hobby). What I am looking for is more like a club that has scientific, philosophical and economical conversations, of course an unofficial setting and with a knowledge level that I could participate in and not feel like an outsider.

The whole idea of this kind of conversation (and even a bit of a debate) is that a person is exposed to different points of view and different topics, in a not-so-serious, but still-not-a-bar kind of situation, setting.

An open mind is very important and too many times I tend to go back to my safeplace and keep watching, reading and listening to the same things that I already agree to. This isn’t open mindness, this is the total opposite of that. Furthermore I am not very good with people and this would make me push myself outside of the comfort spot and would make me open my eyes more to the outside world.
I would appreciate it much if you could comment or send me an email about ideas where I could find people to talk to, remote gatherings would be the best. I am in my 40ish, married, masters degree in information sciences, work in IT and I’m interested in politics, a bit of sports, a bit of literature, some electronics and engineering. Would like to know more about psychology, medicine (surgeries especially), website development and cars. Not looking for friends as such, but more of a club to exchange ideas and talk about different topics. Maybe could have a theme and one member would make a presentation of an issue/topic for the meeting. Something like that.


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