Things to buy from eBay

I have been purchasing items from eBay, and the sorts, for a few years now. With variety of success, but if you consider how much you are paying with a free shipping, it’s not that bad. For example a back scratcher costs about a euro (or less) and it is a very nice help for those back itches. I have watched videos of people buying items from places like Wish and then be amazed that the quality of the item is not what they expected, but again this is something that the buyer should know before buying: put your expectations low and maybe don’t purchase the new iPhone or the mountain bike from eBay and most of the cases it’s kind of fun. So here are my recommendations on what to buy:

Back scratcher – cost is very low and does what it promises.




Medical box – quite good quality and good for storage.




Lapel microphone – cost very low and good choice for a budget.




Trash bag hanger – a good option for small place.





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