My Top5 recommendations of interesting news sites


AlterNet is a progressive news magazine owned by AlterNet Media, Inc. Launched in 1998, the web ratings service Quantcastestimates that it receives 1.5 million monthly visitors reading 6.7 million page views. AlterNet publishes original content as well as journalism from a wide variety of other sources.

The Intercept

The Intercept is an online news publication dedicated to what it describes as \”adversarial journalism\”. It is supported financially by First Look Media. Its editors are Betsy Reed, Glenn Greenwald, and Jeremy Scahill.[1]

Reason is an American libertarian monthly magazine published by the Reason Foundation. The magazine has a circulation of around 50,000 and was named one of the 50 best magazines in 2003 and 2004 by the Chicago Tribune.


The Raw Story (also stylized as RawStory) is an American online news organization founded in 2004 by John Byrne. It covers current national and international political and economic news and publishes its own editorials and investigative pieces. The Raw Story describes itself as progressive, bringing attention to stories that it sees as downplayed or ignored by other media outlets. It is owned by Washington, D.C.-based Raw Story Media, Inc.


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