The United States of America is one of the most medicated countries in the world. And that shows everywhere, from stock prices to everyday television advertisement. The amount of medication available is outstanding compared to almost any other country. Also the reason why medication is taken ranges wildly from serious illnesses to mild coldness and a little bit of unease. “Always consult your doctor before taking…” is attached to the bottom of the advertisement, because the huge pharmaceutical companies need to cover their behinds.
It is well known that the problem of describing too many powerful antibiotics, has caused a problem with super bacteria. Bacteria that is too tough for medication to beat. And that is the main problem of the pharmaceutical industry today. The consumers are buying too many drugs and that are too strong for illnesses that could be treated with smaller dosages of natural remedies – not homeopathics, but things like meditation and time control.
Are we as consumers, so gullible that we will buy things that we don’t actually need? The obvious answer is, yes. There’s a whole marketing industry based on making products and services look better than they are and making the consumers want them without a rational reasoning. We do things based on the decisions made up in our mind, but at the same we are great at convincing ourselves on what do we need and want.
Without going too much into a discussion about what or who controls our minds, it seems clear that the genetics, surroundings and other people pay a big part on the whole issue. With this is mind, the internet has brought really brought people together and made the world smaller. For example, like minded people can now find each other very easily and form groups, that in turn give the members impression that they are not alone with their thoughts, even if similar thinking people can’t be found close by.
If you think that the earth is flat or that the vaccinations don’t work, you’ll find thousands of people thinking the same, adding to the group hysteria. To this day “the flat earthers” and similar minority groups have been just that, a minority. But there will be a day when an idea (how wrong it might be with closer scrutiny) will sweep up a critical mass of people behind it and be considered as the norm or de facto standard.
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